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lenny peen oPt


Lenny Kravitz had a major wardrobe malfunction while performing in Stockholm, Sweden on Monday August 3, 2015.


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He was performing at Gröna Lund as part of his Strut World Tour when all of a sudden his leather pants ripped straight down the crotch — and Lenny wasn’t wearing any underwear!





No, that's not a cock ring you see. Lenny has a piercing there at the top of his dick, basically at the base of the penis.


Here is a gif image from the incident.

Lennys dickout


Now this is not the first time that Lenny has ever been naked.


Click image to enlarge:



What also funny is that Lenny posted on his twitter the following text message from Steven Tyler:


2011 NBA Star Game Performances Celebrities g34dlbSVejWl

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