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The following man with an incredible bulge, goes by the name of,

Miles Davis Moody.



A Few Pictures









Manzzle does not know much about this model/actor but one this is clear, he can stand out of a crowd to us.

In short his ethic background is black (African American) and white (Irish/British/French/Native American).


The following was a question asked of Mr. Moody by Ambiente Magazine [LINK]:


Describe your sexual orientation, and how it makes a difference in the entertainment world. Example: positives and negatives have you had to pretend to be straight?

Listen, it's entertainment. You're creating a fantasy for people. Gays play it straight and straights play it gay. There shouldn't be a definitive line. Actors, dancers, go-go boys, bartenders etc. all exist in a space where they are providing a look and feel for the consumer and we all have to eat. I don't knock anyone's hustle as long as you're not hurting anyone. I like to leave a bit of mystery because I never liked to be placed in a box. I'm multi faceted and I think our society is too quick to throw on labels and judge from there.


See the original video to the one Manzzle edited above below:


Also here is a video called "Dickmatized" with Miles Davis Moody.


More Pictures After The Break!






So What you ladies and guys think of this piece of eye candy?