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Before I start this article I'd like to say that this man, Jonathan "Heat" Martinez is a straight Dominican man.

In no way did Manzzle waste 8 hours time doing this article to end up getting some hate e-mail as Manzzle seems to get every time he showcases a hot looking man.


Jonathan, if you by chance read this article please take it as Free Advertisement for yourself.


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Now, behold the fucking sexiness of this fine ass Dominican:



Age: about 26 or 27

Height: 5 ft. 10 in.

Shoe: 9.5

Weight: around 180 lbs.

Waist: 32 in.

Hair: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Ethnicity: Dominican and Italian

Location: Bronx, New York


Jonathan "Heat" Martinez is a stripper of the east coast.

You may book him by either calling him at (646) 651-0691 or EMAIL him @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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(Members will get to see all videos with running time of 01hr:13min:58sec)



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