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Manzzle puts on his cat face (picture of Rihanna above) for this article!

Since yesterday Manzzle has been tried.

As for the Manzzle site, we like to keep shit as real as possible! Life is more beautiful when people are flawed.

But its so sad that this world we live in, sex can scrutinize your social status. A social disease as to who will accept you or do business with you.


This article is written in response to emails that Manzzle has gotten in the last 48 hours:

Two (2) people in particular:

Corey "Taj aka Hagan" Upton

Corey Upton

Corey Upton


And this dreadfully lost puppy on Cam4, Optimus0011.
(Original Post of Optimus0011)



But why Manzzle have this dislike towards these individuals all of a sudden?

It's the emails they sent!

In the case of Corey aka Taj, it's like a grain of salt thrown at ones eyes to see a moderately handsome guy refer to the pornographic things he's done in his past as, and Manzzle quotes, "That stuff is all in the past it's already messed up enough stuff in my life..."

It's like saying... Fuck you, you damn faggots!

You may have meant differently, but this is Manzzle's site and this is how he feels at the time of writing this.

But Corey, Manzzle can understand a little too well that you don't want your sponsors to see your past in this Bodybuilding venture. But I'm sure that it's just a matter of seconds if they don't already know.

Don't worry about Manzzle single handily messing up your current lifestyle. Others will.

For Example:

Corey Hagan Upton Advert Small

and this free sites videos:



Your shit was removed from Manzzle. Looks only go so far!

Ironically these lyrics from that crazy ass chick, Nicki Minaj was playing:

"You're a cheat and a liar
But tonight you're everything I desire
You beautiful sinner"


Manzzle remembers a little too well watching now Pro Bodybuilder, Kai Greene fuck a watermelon and a grapefruit. But Look at where he ended up.

3rd Place for the Mr. Olympia for 2011.



What you do for money should not determine who you are, whether your clothed and working corporate or dancing on top of bars shaking your dick in front of others faces, like actor turned stripper - Marcus Patrick.

Marcus Patrick Black and White 3



But I'm really hoping that your not shamed of sleeping with other men. What ever it was that made you do porn, which Manzzle has done only for money, we really do hope you don't resent the Bi and Gay community.

Manzzle likes to believe that a man will resort to sleeping with men when and if the conditions merit it. Manzzle has had a fair share of straight guys hit on him.

But Manzzle dont care, Do whatever the fuck ya wanna do!


Want To Read the Emails They Sent Manzzle?

Continue After the Break!

Email from Optimus0011:

"I am Optimus0011 and I was sent to this website by a friend who saw me on here.... I would greatly appreciate it if u took down your post about the Brazilian born in Texas. I am in grad school, and I messed on cam4 just a few times, and never planned or wanted to be on the Internet permanently. So i have learned my lesson, but please take it down asap... even all the extra info u put down about Texas is humiliating."

TEXAS IS FUCKING HUMILIATING ALRIGHT! For crying out loud, that state is so vindictive it's no wonder it's home to George W. Bush!

Emails from Corey:

Email 1:

"This is Corey you think just cause others post my stuff that your not bad guys like them? Well u are u know it's wrong and your doing the same thing as them. Your gonna mess up my bodybuilding career if my sponsors see this. Can u please just take it down. That stuff is all in the past it's already messed up enough stuff in my life so I don't want it to mess up my bodybuilding career."

Manzzle felt the hurt but then we got another email.

Email 2:

"U know that all the photos from me are copyrighted and you'll have to take the down. Why would u want to get in my business post my mug shots and try to mess up my bodybuilding career up? I did nothing to its not gonna hurt to take one person off the site. Idk why u would wanna blog stuff like that about people anyway. I've been out of the business for a long time and as soon as I think every thing is in the past u go and post this. So come on stop being like this and take this down. If not I'm gonna have to contact an attorney or something."

Good job Core, run from your past. Karma loves men who do, it makes her pussy wetter!


In the words of Madonna, "There's no love like the future love... Put a way your past, love wil never last if your holding on to a dream that's gone!"